Five audiobooks to improve your life

Since diving into the world of audiobooks a few years ago, I’ve consumed a lot of nonfiction books that have helped expand my worldview and improve my life. Below I’ve compiled a list of some of my all-time favs, many of which I’ve listened to more than once. Whether your goals this year include improving your finances, being a better activist or ally, or prioritizing your mental health, check out this list for some A+ recos.

Self-help books shouldn’t stress you out

My favourite read of 2019 was Marianne Power’s Help Me: One Woman’s Quest to Find Out if Self-Help Really Can Change Your Life. In this nonfiction page turner, freelance writer Marianne Power recounts her "year of self-help", in which she studied and followed a different self-help book every month for a year. Without giving away … Continue reading Self-help books shouldn’t stress you out