The Power of Entrepreneurial Thinking

Few endeavours inspire me more than entrepreneurship. The idea of jumping off the safe road to start something meaningful, useful, and real just sounds so cool. As we move through the 21st century, entrepreneurship is gradually becoming the new normal. With the emergence of technology and social media, creative thinkers have more room than ever to look for gaps to fill with their innovative ideas. Even if you don’t want to start your own business, I think it’s a good idea to pretend that you do. This will help you unlock your creativity and figure out what it is that you can offer the world. Here are three ways to think like an entrepreneur.

1. Let go of the fear

The first step to thinking like an entrepreneur is to let go of the fear of self-employment in order to unlock your imagination. If you had all of the money in the world, if you didn’t have to work, what would you do? What would you start? What would you want to do for your ‘day job’? Would it be a hobby of yours like making clothes or painting? Would you dream of being a writer? Would you want to invest in a start-up? Write down what it is you deeply, truly, want and narrow it down to your top one or two ideas.

2. Find your niche

Now that you’ve brainstormed to see what it is you truly want to do, start reading about that industry. Chances are, the reading will interest you anyway because it is likely something that you are passionate about. Once you’ve done a bit of research, start looking for gaps. What is it that you are missing when you read about the industry? How can you offer something to fill that gap? Trust me you will find something.

3. Start something… no matter what

After isolating your passions and ideas and thinking about where your skills can fill gaps in the world… just start. It’s worth spending a bit of money on art supplies, a domain name, a new musical instrument, or design software to start doing what you love. It will be a fun hobby for you and will allow you to explore your passions. Remember, this is what entrepreneurs are already doing. And they’re making money off of it. You don’t ever have to launch your passion as a serious business, you can just do it as something to do. However, don’t rule out the possibility of eventually being able to be your own boss. The world is changing quickly, so it will work to your advantage to see where your unique skills will fit in.

The world is missing something that you have to offer. What is it?

12 thoughts on “The Power of Entrepreneurial Thinking

    1. Hi Keelin – Thank you so much! love your site. Yes please feel free to share the article! Would love it if you’d send me links once its live on your end. Thank you thank you 😊


      1. Hi Rachel – really quick question about your preferences for the reblog. Would you prefer that we write a summary and link to the original post or share the full article with you bio and links to your websites? We are going to schedule the post for Thursday at 7PM EST.


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